Retrouvez-moi pour mon « Penguin live online lecture » le 25 septembre !J’expliquerai pas moins de 7 tours de mon répertoire.
RDV sur https://www.penguinmagic.com/p/17694
Je suis super fière d’avoir été invitée par Tim Trono pour @penguinmagicshop. Mille mercis !
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, voici le principe des « Penguin live », tel que formulé sur leur site :
« The world’s best magicians spend years developing the perfect act. Magic fans almost never get a chance to learn the real secrets behind what makes the top pros act so amazing. Until now. Penguin Live Acts gives you exclusive access to the biggest names in the industry, as they share how to perform their powerful A-material. First you’ll get to watch the show, performed for a real audience, from start to finish. Then you’ll go behind the scenes to learn about the routines, and the real secrets about building an act that can take decades to learn. Many of the ideas shared have been held back for years, and you can only learn it at Penguin LIVE! »